The Top 5 Chatbot Names (50+ Cute, Funny, Catchy, AI Bot Names)

Adarsh - kommunicate
4 min readFeb 8, 2023


If the COVID-19 epidemic has taught us anything over the past two years, it is that chatbots are an essential communication tool for companies in all sectors.

You may discover a helpful chatbot to help you on their website, social media, or any other channel, whether it be in the fields of healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, travel, hospitality, or real estate.

In fact, one of the brand communications channels with the greatest growth is chatbots. Over the past few years, chatbots’ market size has grown by 92%.

As common as chatbots are, we’re confident that most, if not all, of you have interacted with one at some time. And if you did, you must have noticed that the names of these chatbots are distinctive and occasionally odd.

We’re talking about bot names here, which is strangely enough.

If we’ve aroused your attention, read on to see why your chatbot needs a name. Additionally, we’ll explain how to give your chatbot a name. Oh, and just in case, we’ve also gone ahead and compiled a list of some very cool chatbot/virtual assistant names.

What’s a name worth?

Even if a chatbot is only a smart computer programme, giving it a name has significant benefits.

By giving your bot a name, you may help your users feel more comfortable using it. Technical terminology like “virtual assistant,” “customer support assistant,” etc. seem rather impersonal and mechanical. Additionally, it’s possible that your consumer won’t be as receptive to speaking with a bot if you can’t make an emotional connection with them.

Instead of an Apple bot from 2018 or a Google bot from 2016, there is a reason why Apple has Siri and Google has Alexa. Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are more than that. They relate to us personally and answer to our requests and directives in a relatable, amiable way that we enjoy!

How do you then go about giving your chatbots names? Do you want to call it something common? peculiar one? A comical one?

What to call the chatbot

1. Determine the primary goal of your chatbot.

Different chatbots are made to do various tasks.

A healthcare chatbot may be used for a variety of tasks, including gathering patient data, reminding users of upcoming appointments, determining symptoms, and more.

The same is true for e-commerce chatbots, which may be used to answer client questions, collect orders, and even provide product information.

You may select a name for your bot that can convey its function based on that function.

Woebot, for example, is a chatbot for the healthcare industry that can converse with patients, check on their mental health, and even provide tools and tactics to aid them in their present predicament.

2. Take into account your ideal client profile

Giving your chatbot a name may be entertaining. However, naming it without considering your ICP might be detrimental.

For instance, some healthcare facilities employ chatbots to distribute knowledge about important health issues like malignancies. Giving such a chatbot a distinctive, humorous name makes no sense since the users of such bots are unlikely to link the name you’ve picked with their scenario. In these situations, it makes appropriate to choose a straightforward, succinct, and solemn name.

3. Your brand’s character

It’s crucial to keep in mind that your chatbot name should ideally mirror your business’s identity when using one for brand messaging.

In many circumstances, the name of your chatbot might affect how consumers perceive the qualities of your brand.

Selecting a chatbot name that closely resembles these qualities makes sense depending on whether your company has a humorous, quirky, or serious tone.

Keep in mind that the secret is to convey your bot’s goal without losing sight of the brand’s fundamental character.

Best bot names

  • Hercules, Cratos, The Burn Bot, The Fit Life Bot (For health and fitness businesses)
  • Cloud bot, Comet bot, Tornado bot (Meteorological industry)
  • Charlotte, Vera, Shirley, Buddy bot, Gigi, Helper bot (For shopping assistants)
  • Digital Doctor, Margaret, Florence, Fleming (For healthcare chatbots)

Cool bot names

  1. Wickie
  2. Homer
  3. Yanna
  4. Charlie Bot
  5. Arch Bot
  6. Jimmy
  7. Baby Bot
  8. Wall-E
  9. Tag
  10. Automato
  11. Magneto
  12. Venus
  13. Orient
  14. Olympus
  15. Meta
  16. Chip
  17. Dale
  18. Pixel
  19. Galaxy
  20. Eyebot
  21. Trivia Bot

Cute bot names

  1. Chipbot
  2. Aida
  3. Chatterbot
  4. Wonderbot
  5. Mario
  6. Owl Bot
  7. Zen
  8. Amazebot
  9. Avatar
  10. Macro
  11. Omon
  12. Feisty Fueler
  13. Fishy
  14. The Joker
  15. Chuckle Bot

Catchy bot names

  1. Alpha Tango
  2. Fido
  3. Flasbot
  4. Zeus
  5. Angelbot
  6. Fitbot
  7. Athena
  8. Mind Reader
  9. Amigo
  10. Elvis
  11. Dottie
  12. Agent Smith
  13. RoboGeorge
  14. Genie
  15. Glad Bot
  16. Thor

AI bot names

  1. Titan
  2. Tech Buddy
  3. Zax
  4. Augus
  5. Digital Dave
  6. Nerdbot
  7. Alpha
  8. Celeste
  9. Jeeves
  10. Botr
  11. Alfred
  12. Mr. Spock


Building your chatbot need not be the most difficult step in your chatbot journey. When you first start out, naming your chatbot might also be challenging. On the other hand, you may quickly come up with intriguing bot names with a little imagination and thinking.

Keep it brief, straightforward, memorable, and true to the voice and personality of your brand — all that you need to remember.



Adarsh - kommunicate
Adarsh - kommunicate

Written by Adarsh - kommunicate

Build AI chatbots without code, generate more leads, and improve customer experience. Give your customers the best of both AI and human-touch.

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